How to Compose Your Message

Materials: 4x6 blank note card, pen, timer, camera, glue, postcard stamp 

Take your materials to your favorite nature spot.

1. Enjoy your spot, alone, for 20 minutes (tip: set a timer). If your phone is your timer, do not look at or use your    phone during these 20 minutes. This is a technology-free activity.

2. After 20 minutes, compose your message to the Earth (write, draw, dance, sing…) Let your heart speak. 

3. Photograph yourself in your location. Be creative!

4. Print your photo and glue it to the backside of your postcard.

Send Us Your Postcard

If you would like to contribute your postcard to our online collection, please send it to us via post or email.


Postcards to the Earth
P.O. 21481
Boulder, CO 80308-4481


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Tweet with #PostToTheEarth

*Your postcard is anonymous unless you choose to sign your name. It might be displayed online (at, in physical spaces such as museums or stages, and/or on film. It may be modified in the creation of a related project. If any of this makes you uncomfortable, please keep your postcard as a reminder of your relationship to our planet.